SPCS is thrilled to partner with the Episcopal Health Foundation to implement the Community Centered Health Home Model here in East Texas. The CCHH approach recognizes that the health of our patients and our community is built not within our clinic walls, but where our families live, learn, worship, work, and play. CCHH focuses on social determinants of health- aspects of our community that can promote or limit health such as access to healthy food, stable housing, strong education, consistent employment, and racial equity.
CCHH Team:
The SPCS CCHH team is led by Dr. Valerie Smith and includes staff from across our organization from the medical clinic to the food pantry to the dental clinic. The core CCHH team includes:
Family Wellness Coordinator, Jackie Erlandson
Coalition Coordinator Sabrina Salts
Partners in Health Coordinator Crystal Dykes
Social Worker Vanessa Oliveros
Our CCHH work includes screening families we serve for social needs and connecting them to resources as well as collaborating with community partners to improve the health of East Texas.
Programs supported by our CCHH team include:
Smith County Food Security Council- a multisector coalition implementing strategies to improve access to healthy foods and reduce hunger across our community. More information about the SCFSC and how you can get involved can be found ad
Partners in Health- We are excited to partner with the East Texas Food Bank and the University of Texas at Tyler Health Science to implement and expand this innovative program that connects food insecure clinic patients with healthy foods and nutrition education.
Partners in Health has allowed us as healthcare workers to partner with the food bank in creative ways while taking that extra step in connecting patients with resources that best meet their needs.
-Crystal Dykes
Partners in Health
Program Coordinator
Getting Ahead- This program, provided in partnership with the East Texas Human Needs Network, helps participants investigate and understand the conditions that are keeping their families from becoming financially stable and helps them make plans to move toward financial independence. If you are interested in participating in Getting Ahead, contact Jackie Erlandson ( for more information.
Community Advisory Board- This group of clients and parents of clients we serve across our programming meets regularly to provide feedback and help us ensure our services and future programs serve meet our community’s needs with respect.
MISSION: Uniting our community to reduce hunger and improve health in Smith County.
Everyone in Smith County will be hunger-free and well-nourished.
The Smith County Food Security Council is a multi-sector coalition focused on increasing access to healthy foods for those in need in our community. We include representatives from non-profit, healthcare, education, public health, faith- based, business, and agriculture organizations in our community. Join us as we work to ensure we have NO HUNGRY NEIGHBORS
Want to get involved?
Join one of our work groups focused on ending hunger in our community:
Urban Agriculture
Children & Schools
Community Awareness & Advocacy
Faith-based & Non-profits